Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

Funbooth 2.0 – Have Fun with Videos & Photos on Mac

Sourcebits Technologies, a leading software development firm offering solutions in the space of Macintosh, iPhone & Web 2.0 platform, is pleased to announce the release of Funbooth 2 application.

Fun Booth 2 is a consumer Mac application done entirely in Cocoa using Xcode 3.1 on Mac OS X 10.5 and later. It uses advanced face-tracking algorithms to perform real-time tracking of face using an external iSight camera or the built-in iSight cams on Macbooks, Macbook Pro and iMac. Funbooth 2 application provides vivid spectrum of features ranging from customization of videos & photos using archived properties, creating new properties or editing the existing ones.

Few of Salient features.

1.Provides users with variety of inbuilt props for both photos and videos, it also facilitates users to add a customize prop as per there interest and creativity.
2.Allow users to share video and photos with near and dear ones along with social acquaintances. The content could be shared through various channels like flickr, YouTube, e-mail, FTP.
3.The most exclusive and outstanding feature is advanced face detection and built-in controls. This feature allows users to adapt their camera’s output in real-time.

Funbooth user has to say about it – “Fun Booth 2 is a “fun” way to make a fool of yourself with family and friends. It certainly brought laughter from the people I tested it with, at my expense of course” – Larry Greenberg.

You can download full version of funbooth along with online video tutorials is available at:

About Sourcebits Technologies:
Sourcebits Technologies is an eminent software development company that provides a wide range of targeted services including iPhone Application Development, Mac OS X Development, and Web 2.0 development technologies.

Sourcebits is among the front runners on iPhone and is officially approved by Apple for iPhone Application Development. Being informed and located in the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore, we have an edge over many other companies in India and our company policies and exceptionally talented and experienced developers make us truly stand out from the rest.

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