Regular Rate and Rhythm Software has announced Rowmote Pro 2.2 for iPhone and iPod Touch, a major update to their complete remote control solution for Mac OS X and Apple TV. Rowmote Pro emulates the Apple hardware remote control, providing application-specific controls through a consistent interface, while featuring a multitouch trackpad and keyboard.
Rowmote Pro controls and switches between over twenty popular applications, from music applications like iTunes and PandoraBoy to video players such as DVD Player, Hulu Desktop, Plex, and Front Row, to presentation tools such as Microsoft Powerpoint and Apple Keynote, precisely as the Apple hardware remote would. The version 2.2 release adds Movst, OpenOffice Impress, and PandoraBoy to its repertoire.
Unlike other iPhone and iPod Touch remote control apps, Rowmote Pro emulates Apple’s hardware remote control so holding down buttons on the remote perform the correct, application-specific function. This is especially vital in the popular multimedia management application Plex, in which Rowmote can access needed contextual menus other apps can’t.
In addition, Rowmote Pro allows complete control over the Mac with its trackpad and optional keyboard. It supports landscape full-screen mode, two finger scrolling and right clicking, dragging, and accented and international characters, over any number of connected screens and TVs. These remote control facilities have been enhanced with the 2.2 release to feature all Mac function keys and arrow keys for complete keyboard support.
Rowmote Pro evolved from Rowmote for iPhone and iPod Touch, which offers the same features except without keyboard and mouse support. New features are added regularly to Rowmote Pro based on both the developer’s roadmap and popular requests.
Minimum Requirements:
iPhone or iPod Touch 2.0 or later. The free Rowmote Helper software (downloadable from rowmote online) must be running on the Mac or Apple TV.
Pricing and Availability:
Rowmote Pro 2.2 is offered for $4.99 (USD) and available exclusively through the App Store. It is a free upgrade for all existing users of Rowmote Pro.