Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

Path Finder 5.5.7 for Snow Leopard

Cocoatech has released Path Finder 5.5.7, an update to their award-winning file management utility for Mac OS X. Path Finder is a standalone application that looks and operates much like the Finder, but with many additional features and enhancements. It is optimized for single window use, eliminating the clutter of overlapping windows.

Path Finder 5.5.7 adds one big new feature for developers: and updated SDK with support for custom icon overlay plugins. As with previous releases, the SDK can also be used to create module and contextual menu plugins that integrate seamlessly with Path Finder. The newest update also bring tremendous speed improvements. Application launch is many times faster, and display of icons previews and large directories has been much improved.

Path Finder Feature Highlights:
* Tabbed file browsing
* Bookmarks Bar – view the contents of favorite folders in a popup menu
* Dual pane browsing – view the contents of two folders side-by-side in one window
* Drop Stack – pause drag-and-drop operations
* Breadcrumbs – display the current path, and navigate back to any previous folder with a single click
* File list filtering – limit a list of files by name or extension
* Selection tool – select files using specific criteria
* Application Launcher – quick access to all of your apps
* Integrated tools like an Image Converter, Subversion Client, Terminal, and Disk Image creator

Language support:
English, Japanese, French, German, Taiwanese, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Italian and Russian

System Requirements:
* Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
* 1GB RAM Recommended

Pricing and Availability:
Path Finder 5 can be purchased for $39.95 (USD) and has a full-featured 30 day trial period. Owners of Path Finder 4 may upgrade for $19.95 (USD). You can purchase Path Finder within the application using the built-in secure purchasing system.

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