Vitaliy Pronkin has announced WikiPlaces 2.0 application for iPhone and iPod Touch. We listened to users’ suggestions and updated WikiPlaces to be the best application to find out more about places around you! WikiPlaces provides access to Wikimapia – the great community project with the aim to describe every location in the world. It currently has over 11,000,000 places marked. You will be amazed how much interesting and surprising information you will find about places near you and all over the world. Anywhere and anytime WikiPlaces will be either helpful or just fun to play with.
What’s new in this version:
* Search
* Bookmarks
* Switchable Wikimapia languages
* New redesigned sleek UI
* Much faster downloading
* New visual style for places ovelay (classic mode available too)
* Better place details display – just text, no ads and so on.
* Advanced settings
* UI Translations: English, Russian, French, German
* Other improvements and fixes
WikiPlaces is not affiliated with Wikimapia staff; it is for viewing only, you can’t add or edit places. If you like WikiPlaces and Wikimapia please visit Wikimapia and participate in this great community project!
Minimum Requirements:
iPhone or iPod touch 3.0 or later
Pricing and Availability:
WikiPlaces is available exclusively on the App Store for the iPhone and iPod Touch for $0.99 (USD) in the Travel category. For those who want to try before buying we also provide free ad-supported WikiPlaces Lite.