Daily Archives: April 1, 2010

3 posts

Kiwa Media to release more iPad E-Book Apps

Penguin New Zealand has stepped up their production of e-book apps for the iPad with the release of two more QBook titles. Children’s titles; ‘Wheelbarrow Wilbur’ and ‘That’s Not Junk’ are currently available from the App Store, and they have also been optimized for the iPad. This follows the highly […]

gogoDocs brings Google Docs to Apple iPad

Sounds Broken Inc. announce gogoDocs 1.1.0 for iPad, an version of their Google Docs(TM) reader for the iPhone. The iPad version supports the new “upload any file” feature of Google Docs(TM). gogoDocs supports viewing many types of documents, listening to audio and viewing fullscreen video, as well as filtering your […]