Midlife Crisis Apps announces the release of “Is That Gluten Free?” for the iPhone in an effort to simplify the grocery shopping experience for those individuals leading a gluten free lifestyle. At an initial release price of $5.99, this application for Apple’s iPhone contains over 13,500 verified gluten free Products, 300 brands, including Private Label grocery store brands, and a searchable Ingredients tab designating safe, unsafe and possibly unsafe ingredients.
Other features of “Is That Gluten Free?” include the ability to search by category, brand or product name as well as a “one-touch” link to company websites allowing users to search for more information on specific products or the company itself.
An updated version of “Is That Gluten Free?” was recently submitted to Apple, adding over 500 new products from 11 new brands and improving the search function within the application. This iPhone application also provides its Users with free updates and welcomes user feedback and suggestions to continually improve the overall user experience.
Since its introduction, “Is That Gluten Free?” has consistently ranked in the Top 100 Paid Applications within the Healthcare & Fitness category on Apple’s App Store. In a posted review, user knlorenz states “this app has everything I have been looking for since being diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease. It is so helpful at the grocery store when I would normally spend most of my time reading through ingredients, but now I can search for what I need before I go! I would highly recommend to anyone with a gluten intolerance or wheat allergy!”
About Midlife Crisis Apps:
Founded in 2009, Midlife Crisis Apps is based in Atlanta, Georgia and specializes in the development of iPhone applications. “Is That Gluten Free?” is the team’s first application with others currently in development and incubation. For additional information, or a copy of the application, visit www.midlifecrisisapps.com.