Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

Regator New iPhone App Puts The Blogosphere In a Pocket

Like its sister website (, Regator for iPhone features a carefully curated collection of thousands of the web’s best blogs as well as a searchable archive of more than three million high-quality posts. It is now available in Apple’s App Store and is the only iPhone app to provide this level of access to top blogs.

With the unique new app, users can:

Browse posts from over 500 topics as diverse as beekeeping, geology, indie music, pop culture, job hunting, or basketball.
Search Regator’s extensive archive, returning results that users have described as being consistently more relevant and higher quality than those returned by Google Blog Search.
View the most popular blog posts across the blogosphere or in your favorite topic.
See trends to get an up-to-the-minute, spam-free look at exactly what bloggers in any niche are writing about right now.
Keep up with the newest blog posts, updated every few seconds.
Read the full text of posts on the original source blog.
Share posts via email, Facebook, or Twitter.
Find more information on a story with Regator’s related posts feature., the website on which the new iPhone app is based, uses qualified human editors to find blogs that are topical, well-written, frequently updated, and relevant. Upwards of 85 percent of blogs reviewed are rejected. This vigorous, human-powered screening process ensures that only high-quality content is featured on the site, making it easier and faster for users to find what they’re searching for or discover new information. launched on August 7, 2008 and has seen steady growth ever since.
While this free version of the app does not feature the MyRegator tools available on–personalizing by saving favorite blogs, topics, posts, and searches–a paid version with these features will be released in the future if there is demand. In the meantime, Editorial Director Kimberly Turner explains, “Regator for iPhone provides a fast, convenient way to access the web’s best blog content from anywhere–putting thousands of top blogs in your pocket.”

To get more information and to download the app visit

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