Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

Twittelator Free and Twittelator Pro 3.4 – Lists, RT, Geotag and More

Stone Design aka Big Stone Phone has released new versions of its top-selling iPhone Twitter client Twittelator Pro and re-released Twittelator Free. Twittelator Pro was recently featured at the top of the Summer’s Hottest iPhone Apps in an Apple/AT&T full page ad in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and USA Today, and runs on all models of the iPhone and iPod Touch.

“Potential Twittelators asked for a free version, and we listened.” said Stone Design CEO Andrew Stone, @twittelator. “The free version gives you the Twittelator Pro experience, and you can opt to make a one-time in-app purchase to unlock the complete Twittelator Pro feature set.”

The key new features added to Twittelator & Twittelator Pro v3.4 include:

Complete Twitter Lists support:
* Quickly create and edit lists
* View your lists, your subscribed lists and lists that include you
* And do the same for any other user
* Quickly add a person to any of your lists
* full list search to find great lists and tweeters
* Find recommended lists by topic with TList’s search engine
* Option to geotag your tweets with your location
* Automatic ReTweeting uses new official Twitter RT architecture
* Old School editable ReTweeting available too!
* See all your RT’s, RT’s of your tweets, and RT’s by your friends
* Reply All with one tap

Integration with these useful services:
* What the Trend? explains just why a topic is trending
* FollowCost : just how expensive it is to follow someone
* favrd: see who has favor’d your or others’ tweets
* TweetBlocker: see whether a person is a spammer
* favstar: dig into the favorites of a user
* Tweeteorites: another view on a user’s favs
* Nearby Tweets of any location – tweet pin shows their avatar

With so many other power features including multiple accounts, lists, record audio, shoot video, unlimited drafts, offline tweeting, Twittelator and Twittelator Pro v3.4 pack the most features into a Twitter client, mobile or desktop.

“There are two major factors which set Twittelator apart from the rest of the pack,” remarked Mr. Stone. “We do a free major monthly update and we listen carefully to and act on our customers’ issues and feature requests.”

Twittelator Pro was listed on the top of “16 of the summer’s hottest new releases” in the New York Times, Sunday August 2nd and the Wall Street Journal, Monday August 3rd in full page Apple and AT&T advertisements. Twittelator Pro was chosen as Editor’s pick for best iPhone Twitter client by Mac|Life in May 2009 issue.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone or iPod Touch 3.0 or later

Pricing and Availability:
Twittelator Free is free and Twittelator Pro 3.4 is $4.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category.

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