Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

iPhone App Relieves Ear Ringing

Listening to music on an iPod at high volumes can cause a nagging ring in the ears (‘tinnitus’). Instead of taking the ear-buds off and waiting it out, tinnitus sufferers can now squelch the phantom noise by listening to the tinnitus treatment provided by Excelltech’s Ringing Relief.

Inspired by a 2007 UCI study touting the effectiveness of low frequency hums in alleviating temporary tinnitus, Excelltech Mobile brings the low frequency treatment to the iPhone and iPod Touch. Ringing Relief lets tinnitus sufferers choose from one of many of these hums which when listened to for 90 seconds should cure the persistent ringing.

“My concert going friends always complain about their ears ringing”, said designer Ed Williams. “I used to tell them to stand further from the speaker, now I have them listen to Ringing Relief.”

Although not an excuse to endure loud noises, Ringing Relief will help concert goers should they forget their earplugs and others who encounter an unexpected noise that keeps their ears ringing. The best ‘cure’ however is of course prevention, as noises that leave ears ringing could also cause potentially permanent hearing loss.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone or iPod touch 3.0 or later

Pricing and Availability:
Ringing Relief 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Healthcare & Fitness category. A Pro version is also available with more hums and without ads.

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