Daily Archives: February 20, 2011

3 posts

Mini DisplayPort to HDMI

Kanex has two solutions that can turn your HDTV or other HDMI video device into a monitor with full audio pass-through. Kanex iAdapt V2 – Mini DisplayPort to HDMI® Adapter w/ Audio Support Price: $29.95 “Kanex iAdapt V2 will allow you to connect a Mini DisplayPort equipped Apple computer to […]

Apple Safe Deposit Box Patent

Apple has patented a new Mac OS X feature called “Safe Deposit Box” using the Cloud for Storage possibley for OS X Lion, reports MacRumors. Apple’s patent is about a safe deposit box for securing important user files. In one aspect, when a user drags-and-drops a file representation onto a […]

Apple Light Peak for Mac

Apple is set to introduce a new “high-speed connection technology” possibly Light Peak, very soon, according to CNET sources. “Apple is expected to adopt this Intel technology in the near future–but likely use a name other than Light Peak, a source familiar with this aspect of Apple’s plans said. Intel […]