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Adobe Acquires Workfront

Adobe announced the completion of its acquisition of Workfront, the leading work management platform for marketers with more than 3,000 customers and one million users. Adobe’s acquisition of Workfront will bring efficiency, collaboration and productivity gains to marketing teams currently challenged with siloed work management solutions. Both companies are established partners with strong product synergies and a growing base of over 1,000 shared customers, including Under Armour, Nordstrom, Prudential Financial, T-Mobile and The Home Depot.

Satisfying the increasing expectations of B2B and B2C customers today requires large volumes of content and personalized marketing campaigns delivered at lightning speed and scale. This must be accomplished across increasingly dispersed teams, as remote work becomes prevalent in today’s environment and the future of work is redefined.

Workfront has deep leadership in orchestrating marketing workflows. Workfront’s platform is agile and uniquely architected for the enterprise, with extensive integration capabilities that can be easily configured to meet the varied needs of companies of all sizes. Workfront is equipped with APIs that enable a seamless connection to Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud, which have become the global standards for creative workflows and customer experience management.

Workfront is the leader in enterprise work management, trusted by more than 3,000 companies, one million users, and 10 out of 10 of the world’s top brands. Workfront was founded to help people, teams, and companies do their best work. For more information, visit