Apple Macintosh News and Information
Apple Macintosh News and Information

New iPhone App ‘LockGenie’ Unlocks Combination Locks

A recently released iPhone App ‘LockGenie,’ now available in the iTunes App Store, enables the user to recover a lost or forgotten combination to the most popular combination lock.

Scores of parents and athletes are familiar with the experience of buying yet another combination lock for the gym or locker each school year or season. Now, in a process generally lasting under ten minutes, LockGenie guides the user through a information gathering process about the lock, and then generates a series of combinations likely to open the lock.

Conceived of by a parent, LockGenie is applicable to a wide range of audiences: teachers and coaches wanting to help their locked out students and players, gym owners to help their attendees, and essentially anyone that uses a combination lock. Not only does LockGenie recover a forgotten combination, it will then store it for easy retrieval later.

For more information visit the iTunes App Store, or

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