ODBCrouter.com: US-based enterprise software developer August Software today released its much anticipated Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) Software Development Kit (SDK) for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch extending the Apple iOS platform with industry standard database APIs. The new ODBC SDK for Apple iOS enables apps on Apple mobile devices to compete with similar JDBC functionality present in the Google Android platform to connect live with enterprise data sources on Windows, Linux, IBM iSeries or AS/400, Unix, NetWare, DOS and legacy mainframes. Supported backend database systems on those platforms include most revisions of MySQL, QuickBooks Pro, DB/2, MYOB, Empress, Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, Excel, Navision, Firebird, Pervasive, Sybase, Pick, Informix, Ingres and SQLite among thousands of others. Available now, the new ODBC SDK for Apple iOS is included free with the new iPhone-compatible editions of August Software’s server-based ODBC driver solution at ODBCrouter.com Starting at under US$1,200 complete, a companion ODBC Router iPhone Edition supporting an unrestricted number of concurrent database sessions from iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, Linux and Windows is available online with electronic delivery and instant discounts for non-profit organizations and institutions of public health or education.
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